Mexico: Nayarit Region, Tepic. Natural Anaerobic process

Mexico: Nayarit Region, Tepic. Natural Anaerobic process


Region: Central America -> Mexico -> Nayarit -> Tepic

Varieties: Bourbon, Caturra, Catuaí

Process: Natural anaerobic process

Grown on the West side of Mexico’s coffee growing zones, this is a unique chance at a complex coffee that breaks expectations.

Roasted to a medium/light degree, we bring out the:

Strawberry, Tropical Fruit, Lychee

notes in this coffee.

We’re excited to be roasting up this unique coffee for our Olilu family!

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Guatemala, Laurina, washed process (Partial Decaf)

6C021450-3DED-4340-BCB0-5AE8539F2F82.JPG Bean_singleOrigin (Copy) (Copy) (Copy)

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