Ethiopia Hamasho. Sidamo Region, natural processed G1 single origin

Ethiopia Hamasho. Sidamo Region, natural processed G1 single origin


Our Ethiopian coffee selection for 2025 is from smallholders in the Hamasho area in the Bombe mountains region of Sidamo. This is a cream of the crop Ethiopian coffee—small, dense, fruit forward, excellent uniformity.

We roast for signature Ethio natural notes of blueberry, and a gentle, clean yet well developed profile. 

Region: Sidamo, Bombe Mountains
Municipality: Hamasho Village
Growing Altitude: 2300+ meters above sea level
Variety: Heirloom varieties
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Guatemala, Laurina, washed process (Partial Decaf)

Guatemala, Laurina, washed process (Partial Decaf)


Honduras - de la finca Honey Processed, MWP Decaf. 3/4 lb


Microlot Costa Rica, Tarrazú, anaerobic process

from $13.00
Honduras, El Conejo. Washed process, pacamara variety, 3/4 lb

Honduras, El Conejo. Washed process, pacamara variety, 3/4 lb

6C021450-3DED-4340-BCB0-5AE8539F2F82.JPG Bean_singleOrigin (Copy) (Copy) (Copy)

Single Origin: Brazil, Maragogype variety, dry processed
