Colombia, Huila Region Supremo Grade. Nutty Profile Focused

Colombia, Huila Region Supremo Grade. Nutty Profile Focused


This is a harvest inclusive of smallholder farmers in the Huila Region of Colombia, in the Pitalito municipality. The coffee is screened ‘supremo’, translating to a consistently larger bean.

We’re roasting this Colombian to have available as the everyday favorite, both as a blend component for espresso, and as a standalone nutty profile coffee.

We roast for notes of dark chocolate, toasted sugar, and a hint of hazelnut and candied walnut.

Bean specification:

  • Origin/Region: Colombia, Huila, Pitalito, smallholder farmers

  • Processing method: Washed Process

  • Growing altitude: 1500-1800 m.a.s.l.

  • Varieties: Castillo®, Caturra, and Colombia

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6C021450-3DED-4340-BCB0-5AE8539F2F82.JPG Bean_singleOrigin (Copy) (Copy) (Copy)

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