Honduras - de la finca Honey Processed, MWP Decaf. 3/4 lb

Honduras - de la finca Honey Processed, MWP Decaf. 3/4 lb


Here’s a truly special decaf out of Honduras. Sourced from our local importer and their family farms, we’re excited to roast, brew, and share this exquisite coffee with you.

We’re roasting this to a medium light to preserve the structure of the bean and highlight the flavor inherent in the coffee.

initial notes of a well grounded choco base. Ample sweetness, with a lesser nutty focus. Great for single origin decaf espresso and americano style drinks to showcase the sweetness.

The high caliber harvest undergoes an extended honey process prior to going to Decamaex to be decaffeinated.

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Sumatra, Aceh Region Microlot

Sumatra, Aceh Region Microlot

Ethiopia Hamasho. Sidamo Region, natural processed G1 single origin

Ethiopia Hamasho. Sidamo Region, natural processed G1 single origin

Honduras, El Conejo. Washed process, pacamara variety, 3/4 lb

Honduras, El Conejo. Washed process, pacamara variety, 3/4 lb

Mexico: Nayarit Region, Tepic. Natural Anaerobic process

Mexico: Nayarit Region, Tepic. Natural Anaerobic process


Java (Indonesia) Estate, Anaerobic Natural Processed

from $12.00